How to grip a golf club


Many people overlook the importance of the grip of the club, but in fact, the correct grip is of great importance in ensuring the accuracy of the shot. The grip largely determines the shape of the swing and is closely related to the direction and angle of the clubface when the club touches the ball. Therefore, it is closely related to the direction of the ball flight.



Step One 

  • The process of placing the hands on the club is the same regardless of the player's grip. Both hands must be held in a more natural position, with the palms facing each other and the line between the palms parallel to the target line. This position helps to keep the hands together during the swing.
  • Start by spreading your left hand and pressing your palm against the club with the back of your left hand facing the target. The club passes diagonally across the palm of the hand in a diagonal direction. 



Step Two 


  • Close the left hand so that the end of the grip is close to the base of the palm.
  • With your eyes looking down, your left thumb should be slight to the right of the centerline of the grip. After gripping the club with your left hand, gently swing it back and forth to check if it is secure.



Step Three

  • Now start gripping the club with your right hand.
  • With the palm of your right hand facing the target, grasp the grip with each finger.
  • After feeling the grip on the club, the thumb and index finger of the right hand should be in a "V" shape, similar to pulling the trigger of a pistol.


Three common grip methods.



1. Baseball grip:

Also known as the two-handed grip or the ten-finger grip. It was the only grip used by golfers before the 20th century.

The baseball grip is an ideal grip for junior players and players with hand and joint injuries. Only a few modern professional golfers use this grip. The baseball grip means that both hands grip the club as if it were a baseball.


2. Overlapping Grip:

Also Known as the Vardon Grip. This is because it was first adopted by Vardon, a famous Minnesota golfer.  The Vardon grip is used by most professional golfers.


3. Interlocking grip: 

Based on the overlapping grip, the interlocking grip is achieved by inserting the little finger of the right hand between the index finger and middle finger of the left hand from the inside and hooking it together with the index finger of the left hand. Like the overlapping grip. This grip is also conducive to maintaining consistency and coordination of the hands during the swing.


4. Check the correct grip:

Both thumbs and index fingers should be in the shape of a "V" and point between the right shoulder and the right eye. One last thing: don't grip the club too tightly! As long as you feel that you have enough strength to control the club, it is fine. It's even better if you can feel the weight of the clubhead on each finger after squeezing the club.